Welcome to the RWU Web Server sponsored by SHAE (the School of Humanities, Art and Education... and Graphic Design... and Journalism... and, of course, Web Development).

If you'd like to get a Web Hosting account, click on the "Order Hosting" menu item just above this message and enter the information as requested on the following screens.   Note: if you clicked on "... Read More" to see this whole message, and I hope you did,  you'll need to click the back button on your browser to get back to the home page to see the "Order Hosting" menu item.

When you finish, you should get a "Welcome" email.  There's not really anything important in it.  It just indicates that you've successfully requested an account.  You may get an "Order Confirmation" email as well.

Now, you just have to wait 'till your professor activates your account.  Once he/she does, you should be able to access your new account.  As soon as your professor activates your account, you'll get a "New Account Information" email.  That email has important information you'll need to start creating your own Web site at RWU.me.  Don't lose that email!


יום שישי, ספטמבר 6, 2019

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